Thursday, December 10, 2015

Why Thermoplastic Peek is a Superior Material

Thermoplastic Peek

For high-quality compressor parts, it is important to start with top-of-the-line, high-quality materials. One of the best substances available for the construction of parts like plates, rings and poppets is thermoplastic Peek. When it comes to reliability, durability and long lifespan, it is hard to find another material that outperforms this one.

Consistently Higher Performance

This type of thermoplastic has a number of highly pivotal benefits to its use. A trusted and widely used option for the construction of compressor parts, it allows you to feel secure that you have made the smart choice when you buy this type of thermoplastic. Some of the positives that you will want to consider include:

·   Low weight
·   Stands up well to wear and tear
·   Reduced coefficient of friction, which translates into longer life

Increased Durability

Thermoplastic Peek is an incredibly durable and hardy material that can work even in very high-heat conditions. The operating temperature of this substance runs from a minimum of -50 degrees to a maximum of 480 degrees, but the melting point goes up even higher to 649 degrees. This material also has a low water absorption rate. Additionally, Peek is resistant to many substances, including:

·   Refrigerant
·   Condensate
·   Hydrosulphuric Acid
·   Carbonic Acid
·   Ammonia
·   Nitrogen

Purity and Safety

As if the previous benefits were not enough, Peek is also a very pure material, which makes it perfect for uses where contamination is a concern, such as food or medical applications. This thermoplastic is also flame-resistant and, as previously stated, can work even if exposed to very high heats. For the safety of all concerned, this material can be the best choice.

There is no sacrificing on quality when it comes to compressor parts. Thermoplastic Peek is one of the best, most versatile materials for ensuring high-performance products. Consider choosing this option to make sure that the parts you buy are rugged enough to stand up to the most demanding environments.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Plate Valve Design and Function

A compression valve is the core of the compressor system. They must be able to withstand extreme conditions without experiencing a decline in functionality or efficiency. These plate valves can function in a variety of environments and are made with many types of materials. The exact construction of the valve will depend on the demands of the purchaser.

The Demands of a Plate Valve

Because they are used in high-pressure circumstances, the valves may succumb to extraordinary flutter and impact forces. These pieces must survive difficult operating situations including dirty or sour gas. A quality design will take these common issues into account to ensure long-term life expectancy. Certain enterprises may also require some customization to fit daily operations.

The Valve Disc

This central valve disc is found between two plates and is generally made of a non-metallic thermoplastic. The plastic provides a better seal than its metal counterparts and is highly resistant to miniscule troublesome particles like sand and debris from dirty gas. Without the use of thermoplastics, the plate would show signs of damage much quicker. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Questions to Ask Your Springs Manufacturer

If you are looking into getting new springs for your vehicle’s air compressor, you want to be confident that you are working with the best springs manufacturer possible. Before settling on any one company, there are certain questions you should ask in order to get a better feel of what can be provided to you. Asking the following questions can save you time and money in the long run.

At What Temperature Will the Springs Operate?

If your springs are exposed to temperatures that are too hot or too cold, it can severely impair their function. Finding out what temperature range they operate best and what materials they are made out of is a great way to figure out what type of quality you are looking at.

Can the Springs Become Corroded?

Corrosion is a serious problem, and you should ask manufacturers what kind of environments put your springs at risk of wearing down. Your manufacturer should be able to give you advice on what materials work best to avoid corrosion and what environments should be avoided to keep your springs working properly.

What Materials Do You Offer?

Springs can be made out of a variety of different substances, and certain alloys may work better for your vehicle than others. Some materials to look into include Titanium (Grade 5), Nimonic 90, Hastelloy C-276, MP35N, Phynox (Eligiloy) and Inconel 718. The manufacturer may have some recommendations on what type of spring would work best for your needs, so take their input into consideration as well.

There are numerous other considerations to take into account when looking for new compressor springs, but these questions are a good start for getting your vehicle back up-and-running. You can also ask about flat wire springs, which are known to absorb impacts much better than other springs. The springs manufacturer you are talking to should have no problem answering all of your questions effectively, you just need to know what questions to ask.