You might not give much thought into why you need valve seat
rings or how necessary they are to proper compressor function. Like many small
parts, they are pretty much forgotten until something goes wrong, and then you
remember they are there for a reason. By taking a moment to understand the
purpose of seat rings, you can be sure you won’t overlook them when maintaining
or repairing compressor valves.
What Do They Do?
Much like a washer to a faucet, a valve seat ring is
designed to provide a tight seal between parts of the valve inside either a gas
or an air compressor. They are available in different materials, including
thermoplastic and metal, and can even be custom cut for a precise fit. They are
held in place either by a screw and thread design or through the pressure
existing between valve parts. Think of them like the cartilage in your knee;
they provide the cushioning between two moving parts to reduce friction and
keep movement fluid.
Is That All?
Valve seat rings are also important to minimize wear and
tear on the other valve parts. Constant motion, heat, and weight of parts
inside the compressor will all cause erosion of the valve seat over time. The valve
seat rings minimize that wear and tear inside the valve and act as a buffer
between the moving parts. Rather than replacing the larger moving parts, which
can be difficult or costly, you can instead easily remove and replace the seat
rings, ensuring proper function at a fraction of the inconvenience and expense.
The Right Stuff
Ensure your gas and air compressors are functioning properly
by keeping parts well lubricated and in good working order. Perform regular
maintenance on your equipment, and replace the valve seat rings when they start
to show wear to prevent more significant problems down the road.
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